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The Feeding Tube Onesie: Expections vs. Reality

The Feeding Tube Onesie: Expections vs. Reality

The most common feedback I get from our customers is how much easier our original feeding tube onesie makes things. If you are caring for a tubie, then you know exactly what "things" means.  And if you are not caring for a tubie, then you'll never get it, no matter how we break it down for you. The point of this post is to remind you that we are trying to make things easier.  Feeding your little one will become manageable, it will become routine, it will be good, but it will never be easy.  Same thing with our onesie. ...

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Something They Want, Something They Need, Something They Wear, Something They Read

Something They Want, Something They Need, Something They Wear, Something They Read

I'm not sure if it's more exciting to be the giver or the recipient of the gift. I like getting gifts; I love giving gifts. Deciding what to buy stimulates my brain.  When I am at a birthday party and the birthday kid gets multiples of a gift, e.g. camp bags or books, everyone knows that I did not buy one of those.  I tend to stay away from generic gifts.  I spend a couple of minutes thinking about the person who will be getting the gift, and I buy my gift based on that person's uniqueness.   This time of...

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A Priceless Investment

feeding tube onesie

A Priceless Investment

At this point your child should be adjusted to the new school year.  He should feel comfortable with his teacher, his therapists and anyone else who will be spending time with him. Parents and caregivers should be involved as well.  It benefits your child when the faculty at school knows that there is an active adult invested. Take the time to read the daily log that comes home with your son. It is not necessary to write a lengthy comment if all is going well.  A scrawled thank you with a smiley face does the trick.  I sometimes buy stickers...

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Suitable Winter Wear

Suitable Winter Wear

With a snowflake and a blow, and lots and lots of snow.

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Tips From the Fashion Guru

Tips From the Fashion Guru

I kind of became the go-to person for g-tube related questions, specializing in how to dress our tubies so that they look fashionable while feeling comfy. It's like I'm a guru in the fashion industry in my specialized niche.  I can probably make a small fortune if I were to charge for my services.  So listen up, I'm dispensing advice from my fountain of knowledge. Just like typically developing children, our tubies need onesies.  A onesie keeps them looking neat and keeps the pamper out of sight. I will not mention the benefits of the starberrykids g-tube onesie, because if...

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